Patch Notes - January 28th, 2025

Here are the bug fixes for the 1/28/2025 patch that includes 2003 Leatherface and the Slaughterhouse Storm map!

Our January 28th, 2025 patch will start rolling out across consoles and PC at roughly 8AM EST. This patch will also include the release of 2003 Leatherface, included in the Content Pass. You can read about him coming to The Texas Chain Saw Massacre in our previous Hub post! Also, our newest map variant arrives with the Slaughterhouse Storm map alongside Connie Outfit Pack III and Leland Outfit Pack III.

Players who have a Content Pass will automatically unlock 2003 Leatherface. He will be $6.99 USD for non-Content Pass holders. Connie Outfit Pack III and Leland Outfit Pack III will be $4.99 USD each.


Changed: ‘Rush Week’ - Johnny Blood Rush

  • Blood Rush will now automatically activate when reaching Level 4 and will remain active indefinitely

  • This was done to reduce confusion for players as activating Blood Rush and cancelling a minigame had the same controller input, which would sometimes cause Blood Rush to be activated accidentally

Tuned: Base Game - Interactions

  • Adjustments have been made to help ensure players traversal interactions are prioritized over item pick ups 

  • This change was made to help break chase 

Fixed: Base Game - Crashes 

  • We have made improvements to memory issues causing all platforms to experience crashes including the Xbox platform 

  • The team will continue to work on and make improvements to this over time 

Fixed: Base Game - Wyatt Crashes

  • The team fixed the bug that caused a server crash to occur if Wyatt was hit by a Family member while using his ability or when Wyatt would successfully hit a Family member with one of his knives 

Fixed: Base Game - Wyatt’s Bone Scrap Inventory

  • An issue has been fixed where Wyatt’s Throwing a Knife at Grandpa consumed both his Throwing Knife and Bone Scrap in his inventory

Fixed: Base Game - Bones Endurance and Weapon Swings 

  • The bug that caused Bones’ Endurance to not affect his weapon swings has been fixed and placing Attribute Points into it will now scale properly

Fixed: Base Game - Bones Savagery Attribute

  • We have fixed an issue where Bones Savagery Attribute was not scaling correctly when players added Attribute Points to it

Fixed: Base Game - Bones Close Encounters

  • Bones’ Close Encounter value is now correct

Fixed: Base Game - Gore Bombs and Walls 

  • Bones’ Gore Bombs will no longer hit characters who are behind a wall when they detonate 

Fixed: Base Game - Hunting Enthusiast Perk

  • A bug has been fixed where Bones’ Unique Perk ‘Hunting Enthusiast’ was not scaling correctly with each level and the following values are now accurate

    • Level 1: Bones can traverse barricades. His speed to crawl over obstacles is increased by 20%.

    • Level 2: Bones can traverse barricades. His speed to crawl over obstacles is increased by 30%.

    • Level 3: Bones can traverse barricades. His speed to crawl over obstacles is increased by 40%.

Fixed: Base Game - ‘Slow and Steady’ Perk 

  • We have fixed a bug that caused all Family members to interact with Bones’ Gore Bombs if they had ‘Slow and Steady’ equipped

Fixed: Base Game - Danny Tampering Water Pumps on Graveyard

  • When Danny tampers the Water Pumps on Graveyard, they will now deactivate automatically and will properly take longer for Family to reactivate them 

Fixed: Base Game - Graveyard Crashes

  • The team has fixed a bug where the game would crash upon staying idle for more than 10 minutes in a single match on the Graveyard map


Fixed: Base Game - Cook Graveyard Padlock

  • Cook will now be able to place one of his padlocks on the Graveyard Entrance Exit Gate

Fixed: Base Game - Abandoned Mill Night Hiding Spots

  • Interior lighting of hiding spots has been fixed so it no longer appears too dark

Fixed: Base Game - Grandpa Perks Remaining Active

  • We have resolved an issue where Grandpa Perks would not always deactivate after reducing Grandpa’s level

Fixed: Base Game - Family House Living Room Lighting

  • A lighting issue has been fixed that caused the Living Room on Family House to appear too dark

Fixed: Base Game - Windmill on Storm Variants

  • We have fixed an issue where the tail of the windmill would move unnaturally fast

Fixed: Base Game - Character Model Disappearing

  • The team has fixed an issue where a Family player’s character model would disappear when they adjusted their camera after losing a Close Encounter

Fixed: Base Game - Danny and Mud

  • We have resolved an issue where Danny would run slower than other Victims through mud on the Graveyard and Storm Variant Maps

Fixed: Base Game - Hitchhiker’s Trap Damage

  • A bug has been fixed where a Victim stepping in a Hitchhiker Trap would not take damage in both Public and Private matches

Fixed: Base Game - Victim Close Encounters

  • The team fixed a bug where a Victim player would become hidden during a Close Encounter

Fixed: ‘Rush Week’ - Private Matches 

  • The bug that caused players who canceled out of a private match in ‘Rush Week’ to incorrectly get placed back into a private lobby instead of the main menu will no longer occur

  • We also fixed a bug that caused non-host players to get stuck in an infinite loading screen if they lost internet connection when loading into it 

Fixed: ‘Rush Week’ - Car Minigame

  • An issue has been fixed where players were able to call the police without completing the minigame to start the car 

    • This resulted in the police car not being highlighted to Johnny or other Sorority Girls

Fixed: Private Matches - Wyatt Crashes

  • We have resolved a bug where a match would crash when Wyatt would attempt to retrieve a Throwing Knife from the ground right after hitting a Family Member with another knife throw in a Private Match 

For any existing or persistent issues, please use the support site.

Thank you for reading the patch notes. Keep the conversation going on our official subreddit, r/TXChainSawGame, Tiktok, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.


Gritty and Grimy, Welcome 2003 Leatherface to Your Family Roster