The Texas Chain Saw Massacre is an asymmetrical horror experience based on the groundbreaking and iconic 1974 horror film. Please visit the Community Hub page for additional information as it becomes available.
Latest from the Community Hub
Family Abilities and Attributes Explained
We’ve covered the Victims in great detail and now it’s time to sit down with the Family and get to know them. Read on to see all Family Abilities and Attributes, explained.
Johnny, Sissy, and the Petals Experience
Last week, the community solved a long standing riddle, resulting in a whole separate experience called Petals, and the introduction of Johnny and Sissy. Read on in the Hub for a recap of all the latest news on these two new additions to the canon.
Victim Abilities and Attributes Explained
Now that you’ve seen the Victims unique Abilities and full lists of their Attributes, let’s drill down into what all that info really means in terms of how they function in The Texas Chain Saw Massacre.